On my issue with monthly TBRs

“I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it.”
– C. JoyBell C.

S’up internet?!
I’ve been experiencing a bit of a dilemma this week.
After posting my monthly wrap up, I set about drafting a post about my TBR for the month of June, and you know something? I just can’t do it.

I mentioned in an earlier post about reading challenges, how I can’t force myself to meet some of the requirements to complete the list – I’m talking about you political manifesto!
As I sat looking at my books, planning what I would read two-three weeks from now, I realised how stubborn I am when it comes to being told what to do.
Yes, even if I’m telling myself to do something, I’m reluctant to do it.
I’m sure there’s some sort of psychological problem buried there…

When I read, I like the journey that comes with it. I like not knowing what’s going to happen next, and if I plan out my reading expedition for the month, the adventure sort of loses it’s sparkle.
Who can say what I’ll be in the mood for next week. Right now I’m thinking Passenger by Alexandra Bracken, but come tomorrow, I may want to try Percy Jackson or Miss Peregrine or Shatter Me.
The possibilities are endless and that’s what excites me about reading.
That’s the magic of adventure.

This week I’ll finish off The Falconer by Elizabeth May and The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson.
Next week; who knows.
What are your reading plans for the month?
Or, are you like me and have no plan?

Peace out

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45 thoughts on “On my issue with monthly TBRs

  1. Fatima @ NoteablePad says:

    I think I have the same problem. I don’t quite like listing all the books I’ll read in the month – sort of takes the excitement out of it, doesn’t it? But I do have a lot of books I want to read soon, so those are pretty high up on my TBR.
    I’ve spotted A Thousand Nights on your bookshelf, and I really think you should give that one a read soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Not So Secret Life Of A Fan Girl says:

      Yeah, I definitely prefer to live moment to moment. When I finish reading one book, I’ll look at my shelves and and just pick one up that jumps out to me at the time and read that.
      I bought A Thousand Nights last month and it’s the most beautiful book cover I’ve ever seen. I do hope I’ll pick it up soon because I love the story 1001 nights and I’ve heard this is a really great adaption.

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  2. wellthumbedbooks says:

    I’m the same – I hate making a plan of what to read, feels forced and causes me to think, ‘I wish I wasn’t reading this, I want to read that over there’. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Victoria says:

    I find if I list out all the books I want to read I get stressed out and overwhelmed by the list- like I suddenly have this deadline of reading I have to complete, rather than seeing it as something I want to do. I always find I read far more and feel more relaxed when I don’t plan out my reading

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Donna says:

    I never do monthly TBR because I never stick to it! However, I do participate in the weekly WWW meme to plan what I am gonna read next. I find it much more manageable to think of what to read in the next couple of days than for the four weeks to come…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. MajaDiana says:

    My bookshelves are my tbr basically. And I really suck at listing things. I am very intrigued by “book bingo” which is sorta like a reading challenge, but where you can decide if you want nonfiction to be excluded. I have yet to actually do anything about it, but the idea intrigues me xD

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      • MajaDiana says:

        I think that’s why the bingo is pretty awesome. It’s not a list or something set in stone. Like… you just write down a theme you’d like to read: fx. Angels, gods, superpower, beyond the stars, highschool, etc. And then, when you don’t know what to read, you can look at it and be like: “hmm… a highschool romance might be just what I need” and then you have a goal in your mind when you’re looking over your shelves. XD

        Of course, there’s other ways to do it too, with set book titles, but I think a “book theme bingo” sounds more fun.

        – and I have a serious bookbuying addiction. My May bookhaul consisted of 126 books. And so far, in june, I’ve already bought over 60 books… 🙈

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      • MajaDiana says:

        Ohh… i do that too.. when I’ve read a fantasy or sci fi I usually pick up a contemporary romance to cleanse the pallet. XD that way, I won’t accidentally compare or mix up worlds and characters 🙂


  6. driftinglexi says:

    I don’t set monthly TBRs because like you, I like to go with what I’m feeling as it makes reading more enjoyable. However, I will also have books I want to read at certain points of the year, so I might do seasonal TBRs every now and then whilst still leaving room for additional books to be read.

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  7. Amylee @ The Book Lagoon says:

    This is really interesting, I’ve never looked at it that way! I’m pretty much the complete opposite though, if I don’t set out a couple of books I know I want to read, then I spend too much time deciding and it stresses me out. 😂 That being said I still love impulsive reading and I completely agree with you about reading challenges!


  8. Zainab Sheikh says:

    I totally understand you. I also can force myself to read anything.
    That’s why I don’t really make monthly tbrs or even if I do, they’re for fun, mostly xD

    Liked by 1 person

  9. LegendOfLostBooks says:

    This makes a lot more sense then I thought coming into this post 🤔 Dont take that the wrong way! There have been soooo many times where I plan ahead what to read oy to find myself reading something completely different… And I never noticed it before until now. I mean I will continue to do the post because it helps me get through my TBR but now Im will just be more conscious of how I go about choosing what books to read

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